Our Stories

Our Stories is a powerful initiative that utilizes workshop settings led by specially-trained teaching artists for individuals to tell their story through theatre arts. Through a variety of artistic methods (including playwriting, spoken word, painting, sculpting, music, and more), each participant explores an aspect of their lives, family, or culture that they want to share. 

Laguna Playhouse Education & Outreach Programs are built upon more than 50 years of providing award-winning Youth Theatre and Educational Outreach in Orange County. Our Stories engages participants to create original dramatic works, using their own life experiences as inspiration and catalyst to strengthen their own health and well-being, strengthen community connections, and envision a better future for all. 

The Our Stories program, and all Fine Arts and other workshop materials, are offered free of charge through funding from the Orange County Health Care Agency for individuals aged 15 - 25. Laguna Playhouse is excited to share the mental wellness benefits that are gained through experience with the Arts. Once participants have engaged in the workshops, they are also provided with a list of free mental health resources in Orange County, as we work to reduce the stigma of discussing mental health.  

What is your story?

Bank of America has been a leading supporter of the arts and mental health for many years in Orange County and it's fantastic to see such an innovative marriage of the two initiatives through the work of the forward-thinking Laguna Playhouse and their Our Stories program. It was prompted by the pandemic, but the need continues! Students are provided materials and guidance on acrylic painting, sculpture design, and anime. The goal is to empower students to access their artistic aptitude and process their emotions and life events. - Patty Conover, Vice President Community Relations Manager at Bank of America

Schedule a Theater Arts workshop today for your community organization, school, group, or individuals aged 15 to 25. Contact eoflaherty@lagunaplayhouse.com and include your name, contact info, and whether you are inquiring on behalf of a group or as an individual.


The Suzanne and James Mellor Laguna Playhouse Tribute Fund provides free tickets to young audiences 21 and under for select shows during the subscription season.

This award winning program brings professionally staged productions to Southern California schools.

Theatre Hope provides tickets, buses, workshops and meals to children at risk, disabled adults and people in recovery.